Thursday 15 August 2013

Every minute counts

Time. It’s something that we have no control over. Even when you think a small job will only take ten minutes; it will be sure to take you fifteen. I had a new clock in my room last year; and to try to make myself ready for events and to add a little breathing space; I put it forward by six minutes so that that I could keep ahead of my schedule.  Yesterday, I mildly realised that it could be as close as only two minutes in front. Last night I found out that it was actually behind by about five minutes. And this morning I completely forgot and thought I was right on time. However, tonight I discovered I was behind by a whole twenty –five minutes. Luckily, I didn’t need to be anywhere. But our perception of time is poor. All the philosophers advise us not to waste it, not to rely on it; but to make every minute count. Otherwise you will be constantly adjusting that dial.

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