Thursday 29 August 2013

Silly about Syria?

So the nation is deciding once again whether or not we should go to war. In one way, it’s a good thing. Prior to the conflict on Syria, the Home Office was making thousands of soldiers redundant in an effort to save money. Of course, thousands of people will take to the streets to demonstrate that war is bad, and that soldiers are better off saving kittens and waving flags. But some say that the cost of the war outweighs the benefits in the first place. Why go to war to help another country? The answer is not because we are nice (and are trying to make up for damage from the British Empire). Just like Iraq, it’s all about the oil. And as a country that mainly has to import our energy supplies; let’s hope that we can capture some this time to make petroleum a decent price again and that other costs can come down.

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