Sunday 25 August 2013

Beers in Bewdley

So yesterday we decided to have a little beer adventure to the town of Bewdley. I've been there before but usually had to drive so I was only allowed the odd half. So yesterday was to be the epic adventure. Because we decided that we'd probably miss the last bus back to Kidderminster; we decided to venture out by train; it would be cheaper and we would only lose 20 minutes. So after heading into Birmingham and back out into the shire, there was time for a very swift half at the Swan in Kidderminster before jumping onto our last bus. After nearly three hours of travelling; we had arrived! And what an arrival it was. We had to shell out £6 for entry which included a paper programme and a glass from a surly old woman. The whole bar seemed to be ran by just the one person; and there was no atmosphere at all. Once we'd we fulfilled our beer ticker fetish, we decided to move onto Bewdley's selection of pubs. First stop was St. George's Hotel for Wetherspoons, but the pub was extremely busy serving meals so we pressed onto the Little Packhorse. This was a fantastic little boozer that served meals as well as being a local boozer. There were lots of novelty mementos for days gone by as well as a collection of articles from other pubs. And a very attractive bar lady too. From there we ventured to the Woodcolliers where an overworked landlord struggled to serve us with a smile but we still had a decent beer.
Then over to the Mug House where a selection of the usual awaited us, but there was a great view over the river Severn. A trek back to the bus stop was our next venture in order to call in the Waggon & Horses; unfortunately our planned bus failed to materialise. A quick jump onto the next one got us moving again but this meant that we only had 5 minutes to enjoy our Batham’s before awaiting our final bus back to Kidderminster.

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