Saturday 13 January 2024

Wandering Free

Everyone’s a citizen of the universe. It’s something that you can’t exclude from them unless they have illustrated something that needs punishing. Every person has the right to experience something and explore for themselves. But it doesn’t necessarily give them power to exercise power over others, even if it’s a lack of knowledge. They might know something else that you don’t and you could both gain from the experience by sharing. The only way to achieve this is to respect each other. Think of them as a new friend to be rather than an opponent. It’s only when people violate the rights of other people that they lose their own rights as punishment and they might have to explore or escape a very unpleasant world with grudges towards them. If the person hindering you claims that he is a gentleman, then his insistence gives you the right to dispose of him in a gentlemanly manner.

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