Sunday 7 January 2024

Weighing it all Up

I’ve bought my mum some bathroom scales for her birthday. I had some great gift ideas for her in the months leading up to her birthday, especially as it’s so near Christmas, all of which I completely forgot in the final few days leading up to it. Then on the penultimate day she began to talk about bathroom scales for me to order the following week. I went online and managed to arrange a set of smart scales for same day collection. It wasn’t a brand that I’d heard of but the reviews were very good. It came in a smart box which was well packaged. It took a few moments to set up as it took a while for the verification e-mail to bounce through for the phone app, but once that was achieved it was simple and ready to use. She loves the fact that she can see a graph to chart her progress at a touch of a button. The only thing that lets it down is that for some reason it isn’t suitable for her osteoporosis, which isn’t advertised anywhere on the outside of the box. But we can’t see why so she’s carrying on.

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