Thursday 18 January 2024

Village Life

This place is tight. There’s just too many people living here, each with their own cars. Some of the buildings have even been turned into flats. Finding a place to park and be a nightmare, let alone a place just to unload. You’ve got to try and find the house first then get near as you can, especially with bigger items. The road is also a two-way road. You’ve got to leave room for other vehicles to pass and hope that nothing comes up to you in the opposite direction. You don’t want to annoy the locals, especially when you may need them to offer a hand. Amazingly, the council haven’t put double-yellow lines on one particular side. They’ve just left it to common sense. I wonder how noisy it gets round here in the evenings, after all, it’s only a little village. Do these people go out and about?

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