Saturday 6 January 2024

Source of the Rea #waseleyhills 3

The path dips down beyond the valley and into the earth. You’ll feel like you’re being swallowed up in the thicket. Along the way are paths sloping off to the more developed world. The trail will then rise and you’ll begin to skirt the bottom of the fields on a dirt track with views of suburbanisation below. Keep heading west and you’ll soon encounter the River Rea which has flowed all the way out of Birmingham. There’s not much to look at other than a stream passing in between a field but there is an information board if that’s your thing. The walk will then return you to the car park via the rear of the children’s playground where you can rest or purchase refreshments if you wish. But there’s not much chance of seeing any wildlife, probably because the motorway has scared everything away. But if you want something different with hills and open spaces then this is for you.

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