Monday 15 January 2024


A proper intellectual. Yet you look at him and once you know him, you wander how he even made the effort. He’s tall but without the physique and slightly balding on the top. He likes to dress as an archaeologist for all occasions. A waistcoat will often feature over a shirt. Beige is the main colour. There’s also a small paunch. He knows his way around a menu and often has a mobile kitchen. English isn’t his first language so you’re right to be a bit suspicious of him. He’s studied and travelled a lot. He likes to be independent. He also doesn’t like to splash the cash, though he’s not afraid to do so if it gets him a great experience at the expense of his friends. But he’s also not afraid to compromise. He doesn’t like to be bothered a lot but likes to sample the finer things when they come his way.

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