Tuesday 30 January 2024

Reintroducing Eating Out #watertower 6

At the top of the slope, just behind the railway line, is an open plan area of picnic tables. There’s also a decent playground, and opposite this is a little building. In here is a games room with arcade machines and a pool table, but there’s also cases containing historical artefacts that were claimed to e found on the site of the pub. It’s an interesting area for two rooms to host the same thing, and it’s even advertised as a museum! You can’t help but have a little bit of cynicism and wonder if someone’s trying a bit too hard. The beer wasn’t brilliant and there wasn’t a lot of choice as there were still restrictions on numbers. Our food was also served in takeaway Styrofoam containers with plastic cutlery and we weren’t allowed to sit together as we weren’t from the same household. I don’t think I’ve been back since then, and I now hear that the licensee has since retired.

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