Wednesday 31 January 2024

A non-alcoholic beer?

Not everyone likes to have something forced upon them. It’s nice to have an alternative, sometimes it’s even healthy and refreshing. But to go through a complete process just to remove something at the end seems very costly and unnecessary. People should either respect the original product or do without it. We’ve already gone sugar-free with our fizzy drinks. Will we have opium-free heroin? It’s like an alternative to having fun. We’re already wasting resources. Why waste more? It’s more space taken up with stocking the stuff. Is it going to bring a whole new wave of custom into your business? Not everyone will be able to brew it anyway. A lot of people like to go out for comfort and take pleasure in sameness. If they have to cut out one thing, they’ll try and do away with the whole of it otherwise they’ll just be too tempted to carry on.

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