Saturday 20 January 2024

A Walk without Waymakers #watertower 1

This was a council-devised walk that promised some interesting sights and had some diversions at the time that we set out to complete it. It was advertised as four miles but we somehow managed to add an extra mile and a half. The walk may have since been re-routed, but we did lose sight of some of our waymarkers at times. We started out in a church car park which was next to the town’s beautiful recreational park. There was plenty of room for cars with no fee to pay or time limit, and it was fairly busy as many dog walkers used it too. But instead of heading out into the park, we headed east up the hill back towards the main road. Looking back at the map, we could have headed directly south on the footpath past the church, but instead we turned right at the top and took a suburban tour. 


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