Sunday 21 January 2024

Banking Time #dreamdiary 170

Our company has taken a bank under its wing. As well as gaining several new sites, we’re also expected to offer our usual retail services alongside banking services which means a lot of training for the team. We were told that this would be done in one afternoon. At six ‘o’ clock, we were still learning. People were looking through the glass windows hoping to be let in to find when they were able to do their banking. There was even a policeman banging on the window demanding admittance, but we refused on account that the management thought that he was just seeking shelter because of his trousers being too long. I started to text my mother to tell her that I’d be late home for dinner, but in the middle of this we were ushered to a new venue. I had no idea what was going on, and I found myself in a church and at one point I thought I was attending a ceremony until I picked up a leaflet off a plastic chair to discover that there was yet more training involved.

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