Wednesday 24 January 2024

Making Our Own Way #watertower 3

With no direction in sight, we cut east across the fairway to join up onto Middle Lane, though we had to walk up Green Lane to find a gap in the fence to get through. Reunited with the route, we followed the road back under the motorway to a T-junction. Back in suburbia, we turned left and continued on Tagwell Road on the righthand side until the pavement sloped away from the road at a cycle junction. Here, we followed the footpath up the hill in a south-west direction through a maze of cul-de-sacs until we hit a T-junction of footpaths in a coppice. Our next direction was to continue in the same direction across some fields to reach Newland Way, but there was a housing development in the way. We had a good view of the water tower, but our surroundings weren’t very scenic. We continued north along a single-track embanked road lined with junctions to the new housing estates.

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