Monday 22 January 2024

A Stroll on the Fairway #watertower 2

We followed the Holloway east and turned right at the end of the road. We then headed downhill on Tagwell road where we discovered that the original footpath joined up to a pedestrian crossing further up the hill. Continuing east, the homes started to become hidden by greenery. As the road bent to the left, a power substation appeared on the left-hand side with a footpath sign next to it. This took us underneath the motorway and onto the golf course. It was quite strange to be out for a stroll while watching others tee off, but of course we stuck to the official footpath which head straight up to the golf course bar. Here we continued east and followed the outline of the golf course along a footpath in a semi-circle until we got to a small lake. Here, we were supposed to head south to the main road, but we couldn’t see any waymarkers.  


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