Monday 1 January 2024

Pop Goes the Weasel #titannabell 18

Sweat began to build up all over the guard. Titannabell had stopped shaking and had turned back over, but he began to slide underneath her epic cervix line. He was looking for something to hold onto, but her skin was so smooth. Down he slid until something caught him right between his legs. It was a tin hat that looked exactly like the one that his colleague was wearing. Where was he while all this was going on? This was a strange device to avoid conception, not that he was capable of penetrating the young lady anyway. He wondered how he would explain this to all his friends back at the barracks and whether anyone would believe him. Titannabell gave a huge sigh and the helmet shot into the distance with a loud pop. Then he started to slide down the gap where it had departed and wondered if there was a chance of him surviving the night.

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