Friday 19 January 2024

Impressive Force

Is it actually going to be a character or read a quote or play music? Maybe it’s going to be a blast of sound effects featuring lightsabers, amazing spaceships that create loud sounds in a vacuum or robot noises. It’s not going to be very impressive if it’s a recorded voice, especially if it’s going to play the original sound file. I’m impressed that I get a list of characters to choose from. It’s a mocking tone, and I have no idea what some of the aliens are saying. One sounds like a feeble old man and you can’t tell if he’s moaning or farting. But at least it admits that it can’t do some characters. It may even pretend to mishear the pronunciation of others. But the most, it’s a brief refresher of what each character represent in the franchise. But you’re not going to get an intelligent conversation out of this function.

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