Saturday 17 June 2023

"You have to set yourself goals so you can push yourself harder. Desire is the key to success."

-Usain Bolt.

You know where you want to be, but you just have to get there. It might take a lot of time. The only way to achieve it is to make it realistic and break the task down into manageable chunks by deciding when you’re going to do it. If you can’t make one goal, you have to try harder the next time. Once you’ve done that, it becomes easier to overcome what is expected of you. You can concentrate on breaking through a barrier each time as it becomes easier. But you have to want to do it as well. If you don’t feel convinced that it’s worth doing then it’s just going to look like an act, like a team that refuses to work together, and you’re just leaving it to chance. Once it is achieved you’ll feel good. And if you don’t achieve it, you might have the opportunity to try again.

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