Sunday 18 June 2023

Fast Fetterings

I ran out of my free postcard allowance, so being as I only had one more subscriber to contact it worked out cheaper for me to produce a quick card. What a mismatch of clipart! It’s not the ideal cover that I’d want to send out, but I had to put something together quickly that tied in with our branding. It’s also strange how the display insists on keeping the white background by trimming the magazine image. At least the message got through, and I also had the opportunity to engage them with a campaign as well. I also couldn’t be bothered with faffing around with inside or rear images. I wonder if they’ll display it with pride on the mantelpiece or if they’ll just read it with a chuckle or concern for the expense before binning it. I cancelled my subscription shortly afterwards as the prices started to increase.


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