Thursday 1 June 2023

Hat Day

I’ve toyed with the idea of going down to the Great British Beer Festival this year but the videos on social media showing hordes of people being let into the beerhalls has unsurprisingly put me off. Public transport strikes together with city prices is also a major turn-off. And as it’s the last day, it’ll be the busiest too. If I had a choice of when to visit it would be Hat Day. I’d need to add a few extra pieces to my current creation to make it worthy, by adding things to represent an Aussie hat and maybe a pint centrepiece on the top. This year there were a few similar ideas in development, though the hat stand made a fair trade too. I particularly enjoyed the poor woman who managed to fit a dartboard costume around her face. The winner managed to construct a cardboard barrel on his head complete with tap. Well done George!

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