Friday 16 June 2023


We’re slowly reaching a tipping point where resources are running out. People who just want to manage a business without the hassle of owning it are being charged extortionate prices that just can’t be met when they’re unable to trade. If utilities are included then that’s fair enough, though you’d expect a reduction as half of the building won’t be in use. If it’s not then you’ve still got to pay for your home, though at the same time you’re there for free monitoring the property. And if you can’t earn any cash then you’ve got a bit of a problem. The pub companies can’t earn any money while you’re shut, though they’re struggling to make ends meet anyway and are to trying to flog the buildings for housing cash as soon as possible. Does that mean that you’re going to be evicted? At least the government has offered to subsidise the income for a bit and halt any eviction processes.

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