Friday 9 June 2023

Teenage Mode

I thought this would be a whole interactive mode where anything you ask would be awkward and lengthy with a load of exhaustive sounds, eventually giving in. Unfortunately, she goes back to her default voice. Then after a lot of arguments and ‘You can’t make me’ phrases, it gives up and goes back to its default listening mode. Just like a typical teenager, it doesn’t do very much because it doesn’t really want to. If you ask a knowledge question or something it doesn’t understand, you’d think it wouldn’t have stopped with the phrase ‘I’m not sure’, but then it apologises as well so you the game is over. I wonder if people got exhaustive using this mode so the developers decided it wasn’t worth incorporating it any further. I suppose it’s good if you want to mimic somebody. I’d better stop going on about it now as it’s quite dull and aimless. It’s quite a good definition really.

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