Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Good Beer Guide 2024

The Good Beer Guide 2024The Good Beer Guide 2024 by Emma Haines
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It’s always a difficult read to take in the best pubs in the country to find new beers. A lot of it is very repetitive, though occasionally there are some unique and amusing tips which makes these pubs the ones that you want to visit. This year’s foreword seems to focus on introducing people to our movement; perhaps because we’re expected to pick up new readers as a result of the chosen cover and theme. Shamefully, Roger Protz’s excellent analysis of the current brewery scene has been pushed towards the back, and should have been at the forefront as a campaigning issue. Some sections are just repetitive, and perhaps it would have been better to have included some images, though I suppose that as it’s a reference book they wouldn’t necessarily expect someone to read it as a book. It’s a shame that the Kent area has seemed to have skipped the editorial stage. Hopefully they’ll be more vigilant next year.

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