Saturday 24 June 2023

Easy Graft

We wait for the best man to arrive. And wait. And wait. We really need to get going ourselves. I wonder if I’m going to be taking the groom instead. Then just as we approach the point where we’re about to call him, he arrives. We follow on and park up on a gravelly driveway opposite the mansion. We’re shown to our rooms where we quickly change, then head to the bar for a quick drink before we’re called into the chapel. Outside the hotel, I see my youngest niece fighting with her cousin, and absolutely flattens him. I try not to laugh. The chapel is small and plain but cosy as well. We take a seat near the front and I try to sit at the end so that I can record the ceremony without disturbing the audience. The girls are looking gorgeous. They’re not exactly sure of what’s going on, but they’re enjoying being dressed up as princesses for the day. 


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