Wednesday 21 June 2023

Axe the Tax

What is going on in the world of beer sales? We were promised a new measure of taxation levels to allow pubs to compete competitively with supermarkets. But all they’ve actually done is put up the price of off-licence beer which generates complaints from the armchair drinkers as well as the breweries; especially if they’re trying to sell their beer outside of the pub. Then suddenly there’s a blanket ban of licensed premises not being able to sell beer to people to take home. What is going on? Is it going to be too complicated to work out a higher level of tax? Surely the duty should be calculated by the brewery as they’re the ones responsible for the method of dispense, though it could get complicated if you’re decanting some beer out of a barrel into a milk carton. And the strength of the beer doesn’t seem to matter any more, which just sounds irresponsible. It doesn’t make sense.

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