Wednesday 28 June 2023

Avoiding the Stoning

Rainbows give hope. I’m not sure why. They’re pretty to look at and there’s a science which explains how they’re formed, but I always see them as false hope. It’s the biblical tale that’s told when the floods wash away evil and it’s a promise that we’ll never see a similar event again. Now records might not date back that far, but with climate change a lot of people are wondering how big the initial flood was. But they’re quick and easy to draw which is what makes them so attractive. Then you’ve got LGB organisations using the same colours in their logos which are ironically painted onto rocks by innocent children. This is alongside a picture of a tree just in case all the trees perished so that at least an image of them has been preserved. You’re better off believing in stars as they’re always there. You’ve just got to find them.

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