Saturday 10 June 2023

Loose Logos

Our club’s logo is changing, and there are strict guidelines as to how it can be used. It’s a bit of a shame as everyone is used to the old one and it’s easy to add to artwork. The good news is that you can adapt it to a limited choice of fifteen colours so hopefully it’ll blend in with the graphic that you are using as opposed to always having it in silhouette. The bad news is that it must include the little circle next to the main logo. I have no idea what it’s meant to represent or why it must be greyed out. Is it a bubble to suggest that we’re a thinktank? Is it designed to look like liquid dripping? And why is it attached to a giant quarter circle? It’s just not practical and it creates a lot more work. The only advantage that I can see for it is that it’s harder for other organisations to reproduce our work.

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