Thursday 15 June 2023

Possession #dream diary 156

It’s just a book of A5 paper. It’s not even professionally printed. Apart from the cover, it’s just a blank pamphlet stapled together. The cover looks like it’s just come out of a desktop printer. There’s a simple portrait of a hyena’s face placed in a scowl while bearing its fangs. Above it is a simple title in Impact font stating ‘Possession. Free your Mind.’ Once you pick it up, it’s very hard to put down. You want to do it very quickly once you realise that there’s just blank pages inside but you can feel something building up inside yourself. It’s evil rage. You try to drop it but the pamphlet jumps off the table onto your face. You try to batter it away but it just smothers you as you hear ferocious deep voices calling, and all you want to do is scream, tear, swear and destroy. Any last ounce of sanity will be spent getting as far away as you can from everything and everyone. 

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