Wednesday 31 May 2023

Seeing Clearly

Why would you want glass in a cooking appliance? Surely the shell would shatter at some point? It’s good to see if the water is boiling but I would have hoped that the steam is a giveaway. There’s noting in the description that says it’s shatterproof, so things could very ugly and messy pretty quickly. One of its features boasts a 360° base, but don’t most things do? We’re also told about a removable filter, but we don’t se any evidence of this coming out at all. Wouldn’t it be easier to list it as circular? The listing also boasts cord storage, but we only get a brief glimpse of the cord in the picture. And how can it have a plastic accent? It doesn’t talk to you, unless it’s a boiling sound and I have to learn a sensitive language. Why stop with a one-cup feature? Whynot add a second and save up to 33% energy?

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