Saturday 6 May 2023

A Bit Over the Top

What an unexpected surprise! I’m just so excited. I’ve been wating to get one of these for so long and it’s finally here, right in the palm of my hands! I’ve been told that I might get it one day but I never thought that it would be so soon! I’d like to thank my parents, my brother, Fuggles the dog, my neighbours for looking out for me and Shady Pete who old me the gear I needed to get the job done. And then there’s my coach who encouraged me and made sure that I was on track; and everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes including the caterers, hair and make-up, and to God for granting me this opportunity. Thanks to all my friends and family that have supported me. I’m sure there’s lots of other people and if I’ve forgotten anyone I’m truly very sorry. Hang on, haven’t I already put the work in to pay for this?

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