Monday 22 May 2023

What would it be like to live in the Desert?

With global warming on the rise, it might not be too long before we find out. In the meantime, you can always pop over to a desert and find out for yourself, and speed up the process along the way. You’ll be uncomfortable. You’ll need a shelter to hide away from the elements and you’ll be on the move constantly unless you have a large supply of products to sustain yourself. Even then, you’ll need to constantly source fresh ones unless you’ve got significant resources to have them constantly supplied to you. Otherwise, you’ll spend your time seeking out food and water in whatever form you can find. You’ll have to be aware that others are doing the same too, and they might not want or even understand the concept of negotiation. This means that you’ll have to keep yourself well defended and your shelter hidden well when you want to rest.

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