Friday 12 May 2023

Hooray For Anton

He’s a man who’s so young but has travelled far. He brings tales of Shanghai and how his experiences differ to live here. He can even speak a different lingo to prove it. You wouldn’t think to look at him as he’s quite thin so he’s not your typical American, but he still has the accent and he likes to charm the ladies with his wit and intelligence, though it doesn’t always work. He’s also very quiet and softly spoken. He has the thin trimmings of a beard and a very thin handlebar moustache, and fairly short hair but he works hard to be well-groomed. He likes to keep his hair short. Dark colours are his thing, but he’ll happily dress up if the team’s making a show. He’s also happy to have a go so long as everyone else has the same opportunity. I wonder if he wears any jewellery when he's not in work mode.

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