Tuesday 2 May 2023

Kids and Life in a Covered Wagon

You can kind of picture it just like on the TV. You'll be put in charge of horses and you’ll slowly trot along the road wearing denim shorts and britches while chewing a kern of corn underneath a straw hat. You’ve got no particular place to go, but you just want to see the country. At night, you'll cook beans on an open fire before curling up in blankets when the wind starts coming in. There are all kinds of skills that you've got to learn from your elders and once you’ve mastered them you’ve earnt the right to see the world on your own. Until then, you’re stuck in the back playing board games and you’re not allowed out until the horses have stopped for a rest. If you ‘re lucky and the waggon isn’t covered properly, you may get a peek when you're on the move. But in any case, you'll need to be kept as warm as possible in order to survive. You'll also have to look after your family until you become independent and hope that they have the strength to carry on without you if you leave them. . There's no room for meanness except to outsiders. And if you get sick, you're in trouble.

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