Sunday 7 May 2023

Roads like Hazel

It’s nice to be able to make the best of what you’ve got. You’ve got a bit of disposable income but you’ve decided to have a home and a life rather than a fancy house. You’ve made your life investment in the form of a safe transport option that protects what’s inside. The area might be run down, but you’ve kept everything as neat and tidy as you can, even if you’ve had to resort to artificial options. You’ve also tried to make everything easier by adding a kerb mount for the car and a railing to the doorstep. Are those hanging baskets even real? The effort shows when you compare it to the neighbours. Whether you’ve done it yourself or got someone else involved, it clearly shows that cash is available when you compare the property to your neighbours. And now you’re utilising the insides because you’re utilising the best of the space that you’ve got as you’re forced to spend more time there.

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