Thursday 18 May 2023

Breakfast on the Go #Empress 14

‘Bring forth the breakfast.’

Zhong could only watch. At least he was hidden away beneath the Empresses golden bra, a place that no other man would dare gaze? Or would they try and snatch a look when they knew that her attention was elsewhere? Would they give the game away? Or would they assume that the Empress had placed him there?

In the distance, he heard a rumbling. It was nowhere as loud as the rumblings that he’d forgotten used to by following the Empress, but something large was approaching nevertheless. As he peered through the small crack in the apex offered by his ruler’s breasts, he could see a waggon being pulled by a trail of oxen. On top of this waggon was a large square cage that had a very round fat man.

‘My Empress, we found this man in one of the local establishments last night’ said one of the guards.

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