Friday 19 May 2023

Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend

Queen Camilla
Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting insight into the Royal Family, and isn’t far from being inaccurate considering it was written over twenty years ago. Townsend’s prediction is scaringly accurate. There’s a lot of insight into the intervening characters illustrating that not everyone is perfect, though a lot of status is held onto despite the circumstances. It would be interesting if we’d learnt some more about the criminal activity and some opinions from some younger characters wouldn’t go amiss. But at least one character keeps her composure despite the circumstances and even adapts to her neighbours. There’s also some interesting canine activity, though it often gets in the way of the plot and their views often seem overpowering. There’s also an interesting portrayal of how those in power always get their way somehow. They seek praise for the most trivial of things, but then again they have been through an ordeal. But at least in Townsend’s view, karma will be served in some form or other if you do abuse your authority.

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