Monday 1 May 2023

Hidden from Sight

The plan for this walk was to park in the pub car park but because it was closed, they’d put up a gate to stop trespassers from using the site. Perhaps they’d had problems with travellers in the past. Luckily, we’d managed to get a spot on the other side of the pub in the canal access road which had just enough room for other vehicles to pass us. We crossed the canal and followed the main road north past a large group of houses. After passing an old folk’s home (it’s always good to know where they are), we turned left opposite the hotel and followed a mud track that had newly added properties added to it and towards the bottom it became a stone lane. At the end we crossed a stile to gain access to the reservoir, but the view was hidden as we followed the small footpath alongside it apart from the occasional glimpse through the foliage.

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