Thursday 11 May 2023

Box or Bag?

It’s annoying when you have to waste plastic just to cover something up. If it’s a high value item, you’d think that you can at least trust the person who’s delivering it. After all, they’re trusting you to pack it. You’d hope that the recipient will have the knowledge and goodwill to recycle it but you can’t guarantee it. But it is a nice gesture if it’s a gift as the recipient doesn’t necessarily need to worry about the contents if the door is answered by the wrong person. You’ve also got the opportunity to hide any indentations in the box before you hand your item over to the customer so that you can feign ignorance over the whole thing, blame it on someone else and avoid the hassle. Sometimes it’s just too impractical, especially if you’re delivering furniture. What is the customer expecting of you? You just don’t know.

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