Tuesday 23 May 2023

Hunt for A Holy Man

Another sign of desolation of our green spaces. This is a whole wood that’s been felled for housing. A few border trees have been left to hide the close from the outside world alongside random rows to  shelter the neighbours from each other. Some of the driveways are very tight which could cause access problems with the neighbours. There’s quite a random selection of housing styles as well. There’s terraced housing, crammed properties balanced on a corner with party wall garages, and triangular roofing with skylight rooms that wouldn’t look out of place at a Swiss ski lodge. There’s even a row of semi-detached smaller lodges and terraced houses with garages squeezed onto the back. They’re probably all the same design inside. I wonder if the development was planned or was it a case of seeing how many properties we can shove in while still be pleasing to the eye?

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