Sunday 21 May 2023

Where the Fox is At

A large open road gives away to a hidden lane amongst the woodland. Turn the corner and it becomes artificial with wooden panel fencing, well-trimmed hedges and unnecessary lampposts in place over footpaths. I very much doubt if these people are going to walk anywhere at night. There’s embankments and roads running off into other houses to make it more of a maze. Just before you reach the prettier houses, the road suddenly gets narrower to discourage speeding. There’s even a contraflow system in place. For some reason, there’s a large blocked paving square with a community conservatory at the end of it with sofas inside. I’d love to check it out one day. I wonder what the view is. Maybe foxes still frequent the area. Then just before you reach another contraflow (which oddly has no priority signs) you reach some larger houses which try to be a cross between a merchant house and a modern brick building. We know what you’re doing and where you’re doing it.

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