Tuesday 9 May 2023

System Crash

So what can you do when a company’s computer system goes down? If you haven’t got a backup plan, there’s much you can do. But if you’re well prepared and have things jotted down that can be updated later, then you might be able to get away with not using a computer. Sure, you might not get the latest updates or cancellations, but you’ve got a team of despatch agents to support you and resolve any issues. You’ll also need your own say-nav or a backup unless you know the area well. All you’ve got to do then is devise your own route, hope that everyone’s expecting you and that you can get the job done. But you’re already half an hour late as you’ve spent a lot of time looking things up. You’ve also got to somehow record proof that you’re delivered the item so that it can be accountable if a query arises later.

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