Wednesday 31 May 2023

Seeing Clearly

Why would you want glass in a cooking appliance? Surely the shell would shatter at some point? It’s good to see if the water is boiling but I would have hoped that the steam is a giveaway. There’s noting in the description that says it’s shatterproof, so things could very ugly and messy pretty quickly. One of its features boasts a 360° base, but don’t most things do? We’re also told about a removable filter, but we don’t se any evidence of this coming out at all. Wouldn’t it be easier to list it as circular? The listing also boasts cord storage, but we only get a brief glimpse of the cord in the picture. And how can it have a plastic accent? It doesn’t talk to you, unless it’s a boiling sound and I have to learn a sensitive language. Why stop with a one-cup feature? Whynot add a second and save up to 33% energy?

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Ticket to Leave #dreamdiary 155

I’ve been riding a bus to the town centre. I can’t remember where I’ve been but my next port of call is a ten-minute walk home. There seems to be groups of people wearing pink hi-vis vests at every exit. They seem to be asking for people’s tickets. When I boarded the bus I wasn’t issued with one because I got on at a stop in the countryside where the bus’s card reader didn’t get enough reception to read my card so the driver just waved me on. I don’t really want to walk past them without explaining that I haven’t paid for a ticket, then I wonder if they actually saw me get off a bus. As it’s a public throughfare they can’t stop me leaving, especially if I’m a pedestrian browsing in the shops above the bus station. I leave and explain that I’ve eaten in one of the fast-food restaurants upstairs and they let me through. Hooray for half-arsedness. But as I walk down the next road there’s a woman in a pink hi-vis vest who just won’t let me past despite me reciting my earlier reasons. Is she on to me? And just where does her jurisdiction end? 

Monday 29 May 2023

Forever Blowing Bubbles

One day, there will be a gazillion of something and we’ll need that number. Until we work out what it is, it’s there waiting for us in the wings. The idea of it is just floating away, just like these bubbles. It’s amazing to think that there’s someone in Vietnam creating this and I’d like to know why we can’t make it here. Do we not have the right climate to grow bubbles? Is the water cheaper there? Is there a part of the manufacturing process that’s illegal in this country or gives off a toxic reaction? It’s always disappointing that price outweighs local resources. It’d also be good to know how much mixture is needed to make a ton of bubbles, that sounds quite impressive. I hope the customer’s expecting good weather as it’d be quite disappointing to use this inside a flat, and that they have a sturdy hand so it doesn’t empty quickly.

Sunday 28 May 2023


With a name like that, you’d expect it to be a discussion site about things seen on a screen, most notably the movies or at least something on TV. Even its tagline suggests that it’s an insight into life behind your favourite topics. But with the internet, even the smallest topic can be put up on a little sheet of glass in front of you. So it now seems that any news snippet can be put up in the form of a post for discussion. It’s become more of a gossip column, although some of it is very poor clickbait to other websites. There’s some feelgood fables accompanied by some very strange screenshots which is a good way of gathering other people’s experiences by encouraging them to leave a comment. You do get an insight into other people’s lives who may not have the same privileges or resources that you do.

Saturday 27 May 2023


When the first thing you see is a row of outhouses built just to host wheelie bins, you know this area hasn’t been thought through. Dig deeper and you’ll see signs of arson. I wonder how many times those doors have had to be replaced. Further down, there seems to be a shortage of outhouses and dumpsters have begun to appear. I’d hate to think what it would be like inside these dark corridors leading to the homes or what the residents must be like. The council must be constantly cleaning up after these people. Some of them have been entrusted to houses rather flats. Head deeper in and some have made the effort to build their own garage and garden. At least there’s a large green space outside for children to play on without the worry of drivers using the greenspace as a roundabout, and the council keeps the grass trim on a regular basis.

Friday 26 May 2023

The World's End

The opening was a bit of an eyesore. Once you got past the history, it became that it was a group of people who had gone their separate ways but were curious for an escape. I like the dig that the second pub looked the same as the first, and it’s a shame that they didn’t weave that into the plot any further. A variety of drinks were also mentioned, which would easily explain why the mission wasn’t completed on the first attempt. The introduction of the protagonists was quite inventive and original, and their design was unique too. It did seem quite obvious from the discovery that one of the characters had disappeared, though I suppose I wasn’t drinking along with them. It was great to see a lack of combat skills for once. The film is accompanied by a great rebellious soundtrack. It’s an interesting concept, but it lacks the fun of its predecessors.

Thursday 25 May 2023

A Pint with Parliament

Redditch and Bromsgrove CAMRA members sat down with Bromsgrove MP Sajid Javid in May to discuss CAMRA’s current campaigns. The meeting was held at Clent Club which is just outside the village of Belbroughton, and licensee Michelle was on hand with some excellent Wye Valley beers and discussed the facilities and events that the club offers to the community. CAMRA members Andy Checketts, Gez Quinn, Paul Richards, and Tim Craig addressed the sharp price of rising energy bills for pubs and clubs and the difficulties that they are facing as they attempt to recover from the pandemic restrictions and asked for more support for local publicans so that local communities don’t lose their valued pubs. Mr Javid recognised the importance of CAMRA’s work in the community and commented on his time as Economic Secretary when he was influential in abolishing the beer duty escalator. He thanked the CAMRA volunteers for a good discussion on how he can continue to support local businesses.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

"You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get."

Putting a limit on some things makes your goals easier to digest and gives you something to aim for. It gives you rest breaks which makes them more achievable. If you achieve them before a set time it also portrays that you’re making progress. Sometimes it’s good to push yourself to the borders, but there could be consequences if you haven’t prepared for them properly and you’ll be disappointed with the results. It’s also good to realise that some things aren’t realistically achievable. Dreaming might not get what you want, but it’ll certainly help. It shows that you’re thinking about it. It’s helping you to make a plan. But there’s a limit on the opportunities that you have to chieve your tasks. It’s important to manage your time without dwelling too much on it so that your thoughts become actions. Otherwise you’ll never make some of your goals a reality.

Tuesday 23 May 2023

Hunt for A Holy Man

Another sign of desolation of our green spaces. This is a whole wood that’s been felled for housing. A few border trees have been left to hide the close from the outside world alongside random rows to  shelter the neighbours from each other. Some of the driveways are very tight which could cause access problems with the neighbours. There’s quite a random selection of housing styles as well. There’s terraced housing, crammed properties balanced on a corner with party wall garages, and triangular roofing with skylight rooms that wouldn’t look out of place at a Swiss ski lodge. There’s even a row of semi-detached smaller lodges and terraced houses with garages squeezed onto the back. They’re probably all the same design inside. I wonder if the development was planned or was it a case of seeing how many properties we can shove in while still be pleasing to the eye?

Monday 22 May 2023

What would it be like to live in the Desert?

With global warming on the rise, it might not be too long before we find out. In the meantime, you can always pop over to a desert and find out for yourself, and speed up the process along the way. You’ll be uncomfortable. You’ll need a shelter to hide away from the elements and you’ll be on the move constantly unless you have a large supply of products to sustain yourself. Even then, you’ll need to constantly source fresh ones unless you’ve got significant resources to have them constantly supplied to you. Otherwise, you’ll spend your time seeking out food and water in whatever form you can find. You’ll have to be aware that others are doing the same too, and they might not want or even understand the concept of negotiation. This means that you’ll have to keep yourself well defended and your shelter hidden well when you want to rest.

Sunday 21 May 2023

Where the Fox is At

A large open road gives away to a hidden lane amongst the woodland. Turn the corner and it becomes artificial with wooden panel fencing, well-trimmed hedges and unnecessary lampposts in place over footpaths. I very much doubt if these people are going to walk anywhere at night. There’s embankments and roads running off into other houses to make it more of a maze. Just before you reach the prettier houses, the road suddenly gets narrower to discourage speeding. There’s even a contraflow system in place. For some reason, there’s a large blocked paving square with a community conservatory at the end of it with sofas inside. I’d love to check it out one day. I wonder what the view is. Maybe foxes still frequent the area. Then just before you reach another contraflow (which oddly has no priority signs) you reach some larger houses which try to be a cross between a merchant house and a modern brick building. We know what you’re doing and where you’re doing it.

Saturday 20 May 2023

Wear Assistant

It’s an assistant that helps to dress you for the weather. It starts by asking for my location which makes sense. I thought it might ask what I have to wear so that it could recommend things to purchase for future events. I thought it might have a few handy hints as to when I might best plan the laundry too, but never mind. Instead, it gives a detailed weather forecast which goes into more depth than when you ask it what the weather is doing. If I’m out for the day, I’m told that I might need a cardigan or light jacket, and that I should carry an umbrella with me. It makes no reference to the fact of what I might be doing that day. It does give me an approximate temperature to help me decide whether to wear shorts or not, though it doesn’t actually state it.

Friday 19 May 2023

Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend

Queen Camilla
Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting insight into the Royal Family, and isn’t far from being inaccurate considering it was written over twenty years ago. Townsend’s prediction is scaringly accurate. There’s a lot of insight into the intervening characters illustrating that not everyone is perfect, though a lot of status is held onto despite the circumstances. It would be interesting if we’d learnt some more about the criminal activity and some opinions from some younger characters wouldn’t go amiss. But at least one character keeps her composure despite the circumstances and even adapts to her neighbours. There’s also some interesting canine activity, though it often gets in the way of the plot and their views often seem overpowering. There’s also an interesting portrayal of how those in power always get their way somehow. They seek praise for the most trivial of things, but then again they have been through an ordeal. But at least in Townsend’s view, karma will be served in some form or other if you do abuse your authority.

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Thursday 18 May 2023

Breakfast on the Go #Empress 14

‘Bring forth the breakfast.’

Zhong could only watch. At least he was hidden away beneath the Empresses golden bra, a place that no other man would dare gaze? Or would they try and snatch a look when they knew that her attention was elsewhere? Would they give the game away? Or would they assume that the Empress had placed him there?

In the distance, he heard a rumbling. It was nowhere as loud as the rumblings that he’d forgotten used to by following the Empress, but something large was approaching nevertheless. As he peered through the small crack in the apex offered by his ruler’s breasts, he could see a waggon being pulled by a trail of oxen. On top of this waggon was a large square cage that had a very round fat man.

‘My Empress, we found this man in one of the local establishments last night’ said one of the guards.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Worthy of a Range

It’s a shared building in an area that’s well maintained. I wonder if the semi-detached was the primary plan or whether it’s been established in recent years to create more income. A breeder lives here. Of course, I could be wrong, it could be purchased to be put into another establishment, though it’s highly unlikely as we’re unable to visit others at the moment. It might also be used to obstruct the movement of a pet rather than a child. The occupants seem to work hard to maintain a tidy image and there’s evidence of a recent project in progress so they’re not afraid of hard work. Fitting this gate will be a cinch for them. There’s also no way of knowing which room it might be placed in. I will never know as I won’t even get to speak to the occupants, or their neighbours which display similar attributes.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

How did a 60-pound Pumpkin get on top of a spire at Cornell University overnight without anyone seeing?

It’s going to take more than one person to lift this thing in order to climb it to the top, even if you start your journey from the inside. I’m assuming that anyone would be referring to everyone else not involved in this prank, otherwise it would be impressive. This would either be by chance if a cargo plane happened to accidentally disperse its load overnight, or a freak tornado occurred which would luckily save the university in a roof repair bill. It could be the accidental experiment of a propulsion attempt and the protagonist knew mothing of where their projectile ended up. Or it could be the unknown result of a random teleportation experiment. It could be a highly trained blind or blindfolded team. A team of engineers could have done it using a system of pulleys or even an aircraft, but they would have known about it unless they’d managed to find a method to forget about it afterwards. But there is a known result. You can read all about it here: How the Pumpkin Got on the Tower (

Monday 15 May 2023

Give the Dog a Bone

It’s a name of shame. It’s a giant hill that used to contain a paddock, and all that’s left of it is concrete and bits of gardens. It’s a paddock for the wealthy to play in which has generated an eyesore for everyone else to look at. Cherry blossom trees fight for light over houses whereas they would once tower over hedgerows. As the hill climbs, you’re just drawn to more houses in front of you. It’s well maintained with trimmed pathways leading to other destinations on the hill, albeit a row of dead hedgerows on the top which shelter terraced housing. As you head south, the vision of red roofs intensifies, although you get a brief glimpse in the west that the lower houses are sheltered from the woodland and are hidden from the rest of the world in a valley of trees. There are better attempts on the southern side to invite nature to return by adding in colourful bushes, trellises, and traditional trees.


Sunday 14 May 2023

Eat not so Fresh #dreamdiary 154

I’m in a subway restaurant in a pedestrianised high street somewhere. We’ve wondered in for food before seeing a show. As well as the people I know, there’s also a group of us from the bus. We’ve been to a Subway before but not this particular one, and we all stare at the counter trying to work out which is the queue end and which is the assembly end. I don’t even know why I’m in the queue as I’m waving a supermarket chicken sub around. A tall round man with an acoustic guitar, bushy beard and round glasses looks at us and storms off. The sandwich artist asks if it was us that upset that man. I say that he’s in our coach party but I don’t know him. I order Swedish meatballs. He hands it to me and tells me that I can add any extras from the baskets behind me. After looking at it, I hand it back to him. ‘Are you sure?’ he asks. ‘You could add some mushrooms or some Tegena?’ I look again at the proffered sandwich and place two uncooked mushrooms and some dried biscuit herbal bread inside it, then I hand it back to him and he begins to wrap it up.

Saturday 13 May 2023

That don't Fly with me

Upon first entry, you think what was the plan behind all this? The first amenity is a phone box, but with no obvious attractions around, is this for the residents who need to make an emergency call about their problems? The pavement also ends with the main road. It’s a place not designed for pleasantries, and there’s cars and untendered lawns scattered everywhere in front of fences. Perhaps this is just an access road not designed to be seen with pleasant eyes. There’s a few footpaths that wander off in between fences. Then as you ascend the peak, some sort of plan comes to fruition. There’s designated parking followed by a row of brick houses which have been half painted. I guess that the lower half is harder to graffiti. There’s uninspired unsecure stone porches with utility access and bin storage, although someone’s taken the time to purchase an extra foot of house space to construct an enclosed porch complete with a small front garden.

Friday 12 May 2023

Hooray For Anton

He’s a man who’s so young but has travelled far. He brings tales of Shanghai and how his experiences differ to live here. He can even speak a different lingo to prove it. You wouldn’t think to look at him as he’s quite thin so he’s not your typical American, but he still has the accent and he likes to charm the ladies with his wit and intelligence, though it doesn’t always work. He’s also very quiet and softly spoken. He has the thin trimmings of a beard and a very thin handlebar moustache, and fairly short hair but he works hard to be well-groomed. He likes to keep his hair short. Dark colours are his thing, but he’ll happily dress up if the team’s making a show. He’s also happy to have a go so long as everyone else has the same opportunity. I wonder if he wears any jewellery when he's not in work mode.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Box or Bag?

It’s annoying when you have to waste plastic just to cover something up. If it’s a high value item, you’d think that you can at least trust the person who’s delivering it. After all, they’re trusting you to pack it. You’d hope that the recipient will have the knowledge and goodwill to recycle it but you can’t guarantee it. But it is a nice gesture if it’s a gift as the recipient doesn’t necessarily need to worry about the contents if the door is answered by the wrong person. You’ve also got the opportunity to hide any indentations in the box before you hand your item over to the customer so that you can feign ignorance over the whole thing, blame it on someone else and avoid the hassle. Sometimes it’s just too impractical, especially if you’re delivering furniture. What is the customer expecting of you? You just don’t know.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

The Jungle Book

A simple set was devised of wild artificial flowers and not many props were required other than a large throne made out of a dressed up office chair. It what the animals brought along with them. Music was from the Disney films which a large chorus sang along to (though grunted at the beginning), and the show only suffered when it came to speeches and soliloquies, probably because of the few microphones that were available. Characters attempted to be unique but needed to be louder and bolder and recognise stagecraft while pausing for applause rather than marching straight on. There was occasional use of the auditorium but a lot of the time it felt that children were rushing to be on a cramped stage at the right time rather than have any audience engagement. It’s more about having fun and giving kids the confidence to do some good rather than demonstrate acting skills. And these were the children that wanted to take part too.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

System Crash

So what can you do when a company’s computer system goes down? If you haven’t got a backup plan, there’s much you can do. But if you’re well prepared and have things jotted down that can be updated later, then you might be able to get away with not using a computer. Sure, you might not get the latest updates or cancellations, but you’ve got a team of despatch agents to support you and resolve any issues. You’ll also need your own say-nav or a backup unless you know the area well. All you’ve got to do then is devise your own route, hope that everyone’s expecting you and that you can get the job done. But you’re already half an hour late as you’ve spent a lot of time looking things up. You’ve also got to somehow record proof that you’re delivered the item so that it can be accountable if a query arises later.

Monday 8 May 2023

Could Cuts be helping?

Once again, another company has decided to make another cost-cutting measure. In order to satisfy the rich, the company has decided to get rid of the poor to keep supporting themselves. The poor have relied on the company to get by so that they can continue to buy things from the rich at the lowest prices. The prices are low because they’re poor quality items that are cheap to produce because of the processes involved. People do what they can to sustain themselves to have th3e best quality life that they can get. It’s easy work for them but it’s cheap pay too. A lot of effort has to go into getting the job that you want; and sometimes it’s easier to create it yourself. But if you put in the right amount of effort and manage to make a living of it then all you have to hope for is that people will continue to purchase your goods and skills. But if your product isn’t unique, then eventually you may have to cut costs to keep up with your competitors…  

Sunday 7 May 2023

Roads like Hazel

It’s nice to be able to make the best of what you’ve got. You’ve got a bit of disposable income but you’ve decided to have a home and a life rather than a fancy house. You’ve made your life investment in the form of a safe transport option that protects what’s inside. The area might be run down, but you’ve kept everything as neat and tidy as you can, even if you’ve had to resort to artificial options. You’ve also tried to make everything easier by adding a kerb mount for the car and a railing to the doorstep. Are those hanging baskets even real? The effort shows when you compare it to the neighbours. Whether you’ve done it yourself or got someone else involved, it clearly shows that cash is available when you compare the property to your neighbours. And now you’re utilising the insides because you’re utilising the best of the space that you’ve got as you’re forced to spend more time there.

Saturday 6 May 2023

A Bit Over the Top

What an unexpected surprise! I’m just so excited. I’ve been wating to get one of these for so long and it’s finally here, right in the palm of my hands! I’ve been told that I might get it one day but I never thought that it would be so soon! I’d like to thank my parents, my brother, Fuggles the dog, my neighbours for looking out for me and Shady Pete who old me the gear I needed to get the job done. And then there’s my coach who encouraged me and made sure that I was on track; and everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes including the caterers, hair and make-up, and to God for granting me this opportunity. Thanks to all my friends and family that have supported me. I’m sure there’s lots of other people and if I’ve forgotten anyone I’m truly very sorry. Hang on, haven’t I already put the work in to pay for this?

Friday 5 May 2023

Seeing Cygnets

We continued west until we met a concrete track, then followed a paved road south alongside the river Arrow where more people were in abundance. As we followed the road to the boating club, a small crowd gathered along the path. There in the middle of the river was a huge nest. It was the equivalent of a mansion. It was deliberately placed away from the bank so there was no hope of getting near to it without entering the water. Perched proudly on top of this nest was a beautiful swan who was keeping a watchful eye upon her cygnets. She’d managed to position herself so that she could keep an eye on both her young and her audience. We continued south down a footpath until it reached a road, then turned left and climbed a hill to reach a farm. In hindsight, we should have taken the direct path at the sailing club, but then we would have missed the cygnets.

Thursday 4 May 2023

"Coming Together is the Beginning. Keeping Together is Progress. Working Together is Success".

You can do a lot when you come together. You might be able to solve a whole range of problems, and not just those that you had in mind. You’ll be able to combine time, resources, and methods, though you may have to compromise a few things on your part. The outcome depends on how you react with others. But you’ve got to stick with it. You’ve got to do your part and hope that everyone else does the same. And there’s no harm in checking up on one another when you’re not together. It may seem fussy but sometimes others may need that bit of support or extra help with their tasks. It’s what being part of a team is all about, and hopefully you’ll make a success of it or each learn something that will aid you in achieving your goals in another attempt, and you’ll be able to restructure your tasks where necessary.  

Wednesday 3 May 2023

The Daily Doctor by Simon Guerrier & Peter Anghelides

Doctor Who: The Daily DoctorDoctor Who: The Daily Doctor by Steve Tribe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Just as The Doctor himself hurls around the universe in completely the one order, so does this philosophical guide in the space of a year, where each day has a moment of contemplation for you to ponder. It’s been compiled by a bunch of fanboys who are keen to get the very latest up-to-date musings and have put their favourite quotations and moments into this tome in no particular order. A Christmas episode is featured at Halloween, and other aspects of Halloween are covered elsewhere in the book. Each day contains an interaction from an episode together with its title so you can work out if you’ve seen it or not to recall the interaction, followed by a context of the quote and an explanation of how the quote can be used in perspective. Some offer simple guidelines while others make you ponder how you interact with your fellow man. Either way, get ready for a taste of nostalgia.

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Tuesday 2 May 2023

Kids and Life in a Covered Wagon

You can kind of picture it just like on the TV. You'll be put in charge of horses and you’ll slowly trot along the road wearing denim shorts and britches while chewing a kern of corn underneath a straw hat. You’ve got no particular place to go, but you just want to see the country. At night, you'll cook beans on an open fire before curling up in blankets when the wind starts coming in. There are all kinds of skills that you've got to learn from your elders and once you’ve mastered them you’ve earnt the right to see the world on your own. Until then, you’re stuck in the back playing board games and you’re not allowed out until the horses have stopped for a rest. If you ‘re lucky and the waggon isn’t covered properly, you may get a peek when you're on the move. But in any case, you'll need to be kept as warm as possible in order to survive. You'll also have to look after your family until you become independent and hope that they have the strength to carry on without you if you leave them. . There's no room for meanness except to outsiders. And if you get sick, you're in trouble.

Monday 1 May 2023

Hidden from Sight

The plan for this walk was to park in the pub car park but because it was closed, they’d put up a gate to stop trespassers from using the site. Perhaps they’d had problems with travellers in the past. Luckily, we’d managed to get a spot on the other side of the pub in the canal access road which had just enough room for other vehicles to pass us. We crossed the canal and followed the main road north past a large group of houses. After passing an old folk’s home (it’s always good to know where they are), we turned left opposite the hotel and followed a mud track that had newly added properties added to it and towards the bottom it became a stone lane. At the end we crossed a stile to gain access to the reservoir, but the view was hidden as we followed the small footpath alongside it apart from the occasional glimpse through the foliage.