Friday 31 March 2023


You can love them or you can hate them, though it might jeopardise the relationship that you have with them. They’re people that you share interests with but act independently of your family unit so you might not have authoritative control of their actions. You can only influence them and they will try to do the same to you. But the aim here is kindness and companionship rather than domination. They’re people that you can count on for assistance and kindness rather than for favours in turn for material gain; though sometimes they’ll try to appreciate it and try to return the favour in kind to keep things even. They’ll support you in your decisions  or advise against it, or distance themselves from you if there’s a conflict that they’d rather not get involved with. You can share experiences so that advantages can be made in future situations or avoid potential conflicts. You might do this while sharing resources to make an experience enjoyable whether it’s partaking in a meal out, a pint down the pub or host the visit yourself.

Thursday 30 March 2023

Timey Toes

It's an old-fashioned chunky design without any micro components that looks complex to use at first. But it's built to last. The time is easy to set, but it's the 15 minute segments that are really difficult. If you need to be precise, you could use a pen to push them in. But if it's more random it's going to be more convincing as it's less likely to look pre-programmed. It's not ideal if you're restricted for space, especially with an extension lead, as you’ll likely block one of the adjacent sockets. We use it to control the lighting in the garden, though the surrounding shrubberies often shrouds it a bit. It gives the garden a magical glow and it also dissuades intruders from approaching the house. We often have to adjust it as the nights get longer. A modern one would probably use a smartphone and voice commands, but then it probably wouldn't last as long.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

A Knock on the Door # Titannabell 14

The guards were trying their very best to be modest. They’d already seen the doorframe collapse and made the castle’s masoner aware, and they had a good debate about whether to attempt to reattach it themselves to give the princess some privacy or to quietly rest it against the wall. They decided that they were too modest to even sneak a peek through the door. But when a long, thin, silky leg stretched out and waved up and down at them, they decided to accept it as an invitation to at least ensure that their guest was OK. Once the leg was retracted, they politely knocked on the door lying in front of the remains of the doorframe in case they were interrupting a nightly ritual.

‘Don’t be shy’ said the giantess.  ‘Come help me’. The guards looked at each other, smiled, then scrambled through the door. What awaited them was a real sight…

Tuesday 28 March 2023

The Last Look

This is one last glimpse of our old kitchen before it was torn down to fit a new one. The floor was quite modern with white lino tiles. The rest of the kitchen had a beige and orange theme, and there were orange plastic cupboards with beige edges that Sainsburys would have been proud of. They were easy to open and shut but they were heavy duty and if you banged your head on them when they were left open it hurt. There was very little height room left between the breakfast bar and the cupboards. There were square beige ceramic tiles with pictures of grains on them, and I loved running my fingers across the gaps that joined the tiles together. The ceiling had wooden strip panelling with spotlights installed. The microwave was installed in its own special spot where one of the cupboards used to be. There were many drawers and we even had room for a double oven that didn’t take long to heat up at all.

Monday 27 March 2023

On your Head

It's amazing how much new stuff you can buy at an auction site. You'd think it would be used. The packaging might be a bit different to what you'd expect in a shop, but if someone's willing to make a little less profit out of it and pass the savings on to you, then you're not going to argue with them,. So long as they're still in their blister packs. It does make you wonder if they’re obtained legitimately or acquired while someone’s back is turned, or if they're genuine. They might omit a different sound which forces your toothbrush to operate in a different manner. You could also be funding something greater than commercialism without knowing it. Is it worth the risk? It's not something you want to lose your head about. And if they’re no good for your teeth, you could always use them to clean those hard-to-reach areas.

Sunday 26 March 2023

A Step Too Far


It starts as an innocent skit. Five males get together for an internet video of their own steeplechase around the building site to distract them from their working life. Little does one of them know that the others are in it for a prank. Their enthusiasm really drives him to get involved and become the winner, and he doesn’t notice that the rest start to pull back halfway through. You’ve got to wonder how much planning was involved, and whether they discovered the obstacle or made it. The result is entertainment for most, but humiliation for the minority. The others may think that he can’t take a joke, but to him he no longer feels part of the team as everyone else has conspired against him. It’s going to be an awkward day afterwards, and that’s if he decides to return. The team either need to make it up to him or start searching for a new member.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Bubbly isn't always best.

At first glance, you might think you’re in love at first sight. There’s a cute smile, a curvy swagger and a cheeky sense of the mischievous. But dig deeper, and there’s a public school girl looking for an easy ride. There’s short boyish hair followed by a round face with a button nose and brown hair, though she’s not afraid to change it to suit. She’s a reasonable cute height with bumps in the right places followed by a nice view at the end. She’s not into brands but she knows what to get to make her look good. She gets bored very easily and is always eager to make others dare to excite her. She also likes to take the easy way out. She acts fragile but it could always come down to a bit of laziness that holds her back. The girl’s very well-travelled and there’s some mileage on her too.

Friday 24 March 2023

Sad Goodbyes

It's distressing when you have to say goodbye to a loved one, especially when you the last time you saw them you were out having afternoon tea. The only glimpse you caught of them after was through a screen where they were bounded in a chair and distanced themselves  so that their appearance wouldn't rattle you, though the thought is kept in the background. They can't participate even though they'd like to, but they enjoy hearing tales of your adventures as it’s a welcome distraction from their lives. Suddenly you're told that they're not there anymore. You're going to join their final trip from their home to the crematorium. Because COVID restrictions are in place, attendance is limited so all the neighbours come out their homes to bid the hearse farewell. We're one of the lucky ones who are able to follow the convoy. There's a nice octagonal garden with a reflection pool, but we can't hang for long and we've got nowhere to go for a wake either.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Can't Stop the Pop

It’s very hard to stop people from doing what they want. If they want to do it, they’ll certainly try to attempt the challenge despite the pressures against it. You can try and tax it out of them by saying this is bad, but you can’t rule it out completely. Even if you try and ban it, they’ll still be an underground group who are willing to carry it on no matter what the cost. People want to keep meeting and socialising with each other for a bit of fun if only for reassurance that they’re doing the right thing. It keeps them happy. And if they have to make a sacrifice somewhere else in their lives to account for it or overcome another challenge to partake (whether monetary or time), it’s one that they’re willing to make. It’s hard to force people to want to change their habits, whatever that might be.

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Funny Folk

Family are strange folk. They’ll support you when it’s convenient, usually when it’s time to share a bill. You can get something bigger for your buck if you’re sure that someone else is going to chip in. But is it rude to fend people off when you don’t need their cash any more? They might become expectant upon the outing. You might end up having to be closer to them than expected if an unfortunate situation develops. Perhaps they’ll reveal more of their truer side than they intended or take an action that offends you. Perhaps there’s a reaction that lower your opinion of them. But if you aren’t going to address the elephant in the room and give them a chance to rectify their mistake (perhaps unknown to them), they’re going to feel very withdrawn. At least give them a reason. It just makes future family encounters less awkward as they’lll feel valued rather than it’s a gathering to fulfil a necessary process.

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Cat Chorus

A little song can brighten your day. Sometimes the simplest things can delight us in small terms, especially with a simply classic start. Even with a little jazz, it can certainly be a little entertaining, though it’s sang slightly out of tune and the lyrics are sometimes undermined by the music. It might be infringing upon Disney copyrights, but it’s enough to get you smiling and swinging, even if it’s just to see if there’s room to take the cat with you as well. It’s a shame it focuses on what they really want. It reminds me why I hate them and how useless they are apart from being a soft, cuddly attraction to the household. It is a good prompt for a reminder though, and the clanging of so many sounds in harmony might be the perfect thing to entertain the cat when they’re stuck indoors on a rainy day.

Monday 20 March 2023

28 Boxes Later...

The number of beers has gone up for one month, but so has the price! It also means that there’s more beer sitting on the step of my garage. In winter it’s not a bad thing as the temperature is just as good as the fridge which means there’s more room for food. In the summer, space is at a premium, which means that I must remember to drink what I put in there while it’s there! I don’t like my beer too cold as I like to taste things, but I do think that these beers are more enjoyable when chilled. The magazine articles seem to echo the same old stories and there’s fewer attempts to feature other UK breweries; especially in the UK. I think now’s the time to buy beer when I need it rather than stockpile it in advance. I can’t give it away as I don’t know what I’m missing out on and I seldom have the opportunity to share it; though if I do I’ll get a smaller portion. 

Sunday 19 March 2023

"Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. Trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's just not someone you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people that you surround yourself with."

-Michelle Obama.

There’s people you know and recognise, and there’s people that you’d like to get to know. If you want to have fun, you need to surround yourself with fun people, or at least with people that have the same interests as you. And you need to make sure that you’re always bringing something which is to be valued by them. It shouldn’t feel awkward. But if people are going to criticise you, then there’s no reason as to why you should support them, unless it’s a fair point that you’ve overlooked. If there’s something off-putting about someone or they’re making you uncomfortable, then don’t be naïve to go through with it. It’s OK just to listen and say no, as long as you’re sounding grateful at the time. You can always ask questions at a later stage to find out more, or tell them what’s offending you when you’re ready.

Saturday 18 March 2023

Jumping Jackets

There’s been many times that I’ve taken a jacket out with me when I haven’t needed to. It’s something that I’d have to lug around with me and it’s difficult to find somewhere safe to leave it in the knowledge that I can easily retrieve it when I want to. If I’m lucky, I might find a chair to drape it over but it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m guarding the seat. It might also be buried underneath other coats and I might have to jostle someone out of the seat to retrieve it later. This usually happens when my group decides to abandon the table and I’m the last person there as I’m socialising with other groups at the venue. The alternative is being caught short which makes me freezing and miserable and making a beeline for the nearest source of heat; whether it’s a fire, radiator or the warmth of other bodies who won’t be impressed if I’m damp as well.

Friday 17 March 2023

Things to Come #dreamdiary 150

I’m driving a white Lotus complete with rear spoiler. The only trouble is that it’s quite run-down and rusty, and I’m having trouble trying to start it. When it does start, the engine rattles. My friends refuse to venture inside it or help me push it home when I break down. I’m in a bit of a fix as it will cost a fortune to repair, let alone make it roadworthy. A few days later, I manage to trade it for a small white van, but not only does the exhaust rattle, it’s also prone to large bangs which startles the neighbours. Everyone seems to be upgrading to electric cars which I can’t afford as brand-new and no-one’s selling them second-hand, not even a hybrid. Instead it’s much cheaper to buy a car with a traditional engine from someone that just wants space on their drive and hope that it’ll be legal enough for the next few months.  

Thursday 16 March 2023

Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

Far From the Madding CrowdFar From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Not a great deal of interest happens within these pages. It was probably quite outrageous at the time, akin to stretching out with a year spent watching Hollyoaks but with extra words and descriptions, and the relationship triangles take a bit longer to develop. There’s a bit of localism and gossip which gives it a bit of character and amusement provided by the farmer’s hands, though you have to depict them with a proper country accent to fully appreciate them, and at times they become the local peers as well as muses. These small characters, though low in society, provide the voice of it as they observe the interactions between the love triangle over the course of some interesting events. There’s an interesting encounter with suicidal sheep and also a bit of outrage which is depicted from the title, but it’s good to know that there’s a happy ending for the protagonist after all.

View all my reviews

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Babysitter hears noise upstairs so Dad checks hidden camera and captures a nightmare in his kitchen

Something isn’t quite clear here. Are the babysitter and the father in the same room? If so, what’s the need for the babysitter in the first place? I suppose with today’s modern technology, the babysitter could have called the father who had remote access to the camera. Is the nightmare therefore what’s happening with the kid and the babysitter, or do they have an upstairs kitchen? Maybe they’re hiding in the basement. To get the answer, you have to visit a third party website and cycle through a load of ads. There’s loads of spelling mistakes and I’m already wondering if it’s just a load of clickbait. The result is a simple tale of burglary and heroism on the babysitter’s decision to evacuate the premises, although if it was just a burglary the offender would probably just flee on sight of another person present inside what was assumed to be an unoccupied premises.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Nice Jugs

I quite like the idea of a cocktail but it’s often difficult to decipher what a manly one should be. Is it the glass that it’s served in or does it depend on all the bells and whistles that go in it like cherries on a cocktail stick, the tiny comical umbrella that you take out to shield yourself from the rain, a simple slice of fruit, a sparkler, a novelty-shaped plastic stirrer or a paper-shaped pineapple. There’s also the effort that goes into creating them; some must be poured into the glass in a specific order to ensure a novel blend of colours others must be shaken in a classic metallic mixer (though some bartenders may choose to skip the shop for speed and put it through a blender). Then there’s the difficulty of choosing one to match your companion so that you can hopefully have a taste of each and decide upon your favourite, followed by the size of the glass where you try to match each other’s drinking pace. Hopefully any leftover ingredients will be put to good use.


Monday 13 March 2023

Bubble, Bubble, the Pleasure is Double!

It came in a lovely colourful presentation box that was a good size and made it look expensive, and each bomb had its own dedicated hole on display in the box. The design appeals to all ages who regularly use these products, but might be steered towards children. They smelled nice when they went into the tub, and they didn’t leave any messy residue that other brands of bath bomb do. They were very colourful, but I had no way of knowing if each bomb had a particular scent. Perhaps they were all the same but were coloured differently for presentation purposes. Each ball had a fair amount of weight to it, and just one was enough to create an interesting bath time experience. I’d definitely buy this again, despite the fact that the price halved after I bought it. I should have stocked up for the following year, and could have made some money too.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Mexican Mamma

She’s not a big fan of tequila (unless it’s milk-flavoured with a rose fragrance). She doesn’t wear a moustache or own a poncho. And she’s only been to Mexico once, but not on this particular trip. She’s not a big fan of burritos or tachos as she finds them too messy. And her chilli is nice but it could use a bit more spice and some more authentic ingredients. So it’s hard to imagine what caused her to don a sombrero and dance around the place, especially when the sun isn’t out. She’s more prepared for a night of chillaxing rather than strutting her stuff. The stripes say it all. It must be a combination of cocktails and toe-tapping music which has encouraged her to get off her rocker. Just hand her a tambourine or a pair of maracas and she’ll keep going for the rest of the night or at least until the music stops.


Saturday 11 March 2023

Life Lacking #Vampress 13

Then the town started to change. The clientele began to be less friendly. Shopkeepers would no longer make conversation but would bid people to leave their premises as soon as their business was complete without any small talk or linger to ask about their families. People just didn’t seem to care. Their faces were just white and disinterested. Everyone in the town had some kind of trade, and when they first noticed the strangeness, they decided that it was time to try another trader. They’d go out and hurry about their business as if it wasn’t safe anymore. Then, after a sleepless night, they’d wake with a rough neck and forgot about the whole thing. Even organising the town’s annual festival which pulled crowds from all over the country began to be a chore. Posters didn’t get put up until late and it was very hard asking for people to come forward to help set things up.

Friday 10 March 2023

And so it Begins...

It’s one of many precautions taken to prevent the infection. We have our own equipment labelled up which other team members aren’t allowed to use. We have to stand a good distance away from each other. Masks aren’t mandatory yet, but one colleague has arrived wearing a sanding mask, and another is wearing a gas mask. I’m wondering if we’re being too precautious, and I’m considering bringing in a diving mask complete with snorkel. We’ve got no idea what’s going on. The blue cotton surgical mask that is to plague our streets for the next few years has yet to be bulk produced. We’re still being paid to come in and work, but we’re not allowed to open. Instead, we’re doing a full deep clean of the stockroom, and we’re not receiving deliveries while the company’s trying to work out what we should be doing and whether it’s worth keeping us on.

Thursday 9 March 2023

Of course we all know what you're talking about.

Congratulations. You’ve just managed to exclude anyone who wants a chance to join you in a conversation because they don’t know what you’re on about. They don’t even know where to start. If you’re referring to someone, when you’re conversing with someone you haven’t met yet you’re better off using the subject’s full name rather than a nickname that you’ve heard from someone in the trade or know. Otherwise, they may look blankly at you. It’s fine if you’re in a particular area as the receiver would be expected to know, but when you’re mentioning it in passing to outside folk, they won’t have a clue. Some context would be required, especially if you’re including anyone that’s not traditionally based within the topic. People would simply ask you what it is, and if they have no interest, they’ll tell you so. On the other hand, it’s the opportunity for you to teach them something.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Daffodil Days

I’m pretty sure that next door’s cat has taken a vested interest in our daffodil trough. It certainly likes to wander over and have a good claw around through the soil in our garden, which leaves quite a mess over our block paving. It doesn’t do much good for the plants inside either. It’s as if it’s decided that our daffodils aren’t allowed to better than the ones in its front garden. Unless it’s been eating every petal and I was lucky enough to snap the last one before it got digested. It could be convinced that there’s a tasty morsel underneath all the plastic which is preventing the other plants from germinating. It might even be how the mice have been making their way into the house since the cat isn’t getting any slimmer. But it’s certainly not burying anything since it's doing a very poor job of putting all the soil back. 

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Face the Mace

Always with a charming, welcoming smile, she’ll probably charm the pants off you if even if bringing you something as simple as a tray of teas. She can read a room very easily. She’s probably got experience in that field. She’s  recognisable by her brown curly hair that’s probably been freshly permed, small and perfect Cheshire cat teeth and a button nose. Oval glasses will dominate her round, slightly tanned face, and she’ll probably be wearing a heavy weighted jumper over a pair of leggings and brown flat shoes. If she’s in a flirting mood, she’ll wear a branded polo shirt. She’s certainly someone who is well travelled and get around a lot, and you’ve got to wonder if she’s taking advantage of it somehow. She’s confident and direct, and she’s not afraid to tell you what she wants. She’s sassy and she knows her stuff. If she wants to chat to you, she will.

Monday 6 March 2023

Dead or Alive?

I’ve got no idea what type of flowers these are. I don’t think they’re weeds, but they could be. They look like the beginnings of daffodils or hyacinths. They’ve been placed in the sunniest spot in the garden, but it’s not necessarily the wettest. It could be my hop project. For Christmas, I got given some hop seeds in an attractive ceramic container. These needed to be kept warm during the winter months, then were placed outside to grow in the Spring. I might have put them outside too early. What came up was some sort of green thing that slowly began to climb around a garden cane. It was well watered, and eventually something began to grow that resembled a hop bud. It never seemed to grow any taller, and after taking online advice, I decided to leave it out over winter to see if anything came of it the following year. When Spring came round again, there still wasn’t any evidence of anything useful germinating, so I ended up, perhaps too impatiently, binning the whole thing.


Sunday 5 March 2023

When is the Zombie Apocalypse?

Apparently, the minute you begin to question when the apocalypse is due, it arrives. Some people believe it’s fictional until it materialises in front of them and it’s instantaneous, in which case it’s too late. Brainless people arrive on your doorstep, and although they may not want to digest your brain directly, they’ll certainly want some of your resources, whether it’s money, support, or supplies. And when you give them an instruction or protest against their views, you’re just ignored and are swallowed up in a system trapped in an endless loop. Although, by looking around, you’d think that’s it’s already arrived in some places by the amount of time it takes to get tasks done. It’s the way that they just munch on your details and try to get more out of you by reflecting questions, although if you’re lucky enough to get through to a competent person it might end up being a positive experience and it may even be in your favour.

Saturday 4 March 2023

The Bouncy Olympics

There’s inflatable mayhem on the dance floor. A large bouncy castle dominates the centre. Inside of it, a connecting open wall leads to a slide. In front, rubber mattresses holds giant pits of plastic balls which ends up everywhere, while to the rear is a row of pedal cars for little folk to race around an inflatable track. All little hands are busy exploring their colourful surroundings while Christmas music is pounded out of a Bluetooth speaker. Hot food is given out in the form of a triangular red box made to look like a burger chain meal. Inside is a selection of chicken nuggets, a pot of ketchup and a generous handful of fries. They get to help themselves to the sweet trolley, and if there’s anything they’d like to add to their meal, they can raid the grown-ups buffet too, who are all wearing colourful festive attire to add to the atmosphere. 

Friday 3 March 2023

"I'm not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes for God to judge us, He will not ask 'How many good things have you done in your life', rather He will ask 'How much love did you put into what you did?'.

-Mother Teresa.

We’re not supposed to judge other people. There’s only supposed to be one being that’s permissible to do all that. But if you subscribe to that view and you’re going to hang around to wait for it, it means that technically you have to put up with everything and you’re not allowed to take a stand. You might be waiting for a long time and that just doesn’t seem fair. But if you can inspire others and enjoy doing it, you might be let through the gates and be rewarded with a fluffy white pillow. You might be awarded with quality rather than quantity. Worryingly, if you love sinning, you’ll be a happy chappy. It seems that if you enjoyed causing misery at the expense of others, you might be accepted if you can justify your love for it rather than give a reason for doing so. So technically you should only do what you enjoy.

Thursday 2 March 2023

Parking Problems

There’s so many problems with trying to park for free nowadays. It’s all handled through outside companies to take the bother off the venue who make thousands off offenders. Signs are posted everywhere stating terms and conditions, and sometimes it takes a while to decipher if you can park for free or not, when the free times are and whether there’s a time limit, or a condition that states that you must use the facilities that you’re parked at. You have to be prepared to show proof of when you’re parking too. You can almost guarantee that the time you choose not to bother with gathering evidence is the time that they’ll try to pin it on you with ridiculously high fines, which are convenient halved if you pay these on time and they hope you won’t go down the road of contesting the ticket. But if you have evidence that an offence wasn’t committed, don’t give them the satisfaction of your cash.

Wednesday 1 March 2023


It’s mostly about physical contact. You don’t tend to see much of it nowadays, and half of it is fake as it’s for the benefit of a camera. You’re more likely to witness this in a verbal form, especially when you can borrow phrases from the media, especially when someone ranks their opinion above your own. Ignorance is often the easiest way to see it come to a conclusion, but it’s not a method that will resolve the situation to the satisfaction of both parties. It’s often the only way to end a disagreement in the playground and beyond when the words have failed. Usually, the intent is to send the offending person away from yourself, but the offender always has the option to stand up and fight back, especially once it’s established that physical contact can be used. This is where things start to get interesting. They might be caught off-guard. Sometimes it draws a crowd, but some people will flee since they don’t want to run the risk of getting involved and coming into harm themselves. Once it’s started, it can be hard to stop until someone submits.