Tuesday 21 March 2023

Cat Chorus

A little song can brighten your day. Sometimes the simplest things can delight us in small terms, especially with a simply classic start. Even with a little jazz, it can certainly be a little entertaining, though it’s sang slightly out of tune and the lyrics are sometimes undermined by the music. It might be infringing upon Disney copyrights, but it’s enough to get you smiling and swinging, even if it’s just to see if there’s room to take the cat with you as well. It’s a shame it focuses on what they really want. It reminds me why I hate them and how useless they are apart from being a soft, cuddly attraction to the household. It is a good prompt for a reminder though, and the clanging of so many sounds in harmony might be the perfect thing to entertain the cat when they’re stuck indoors on a rainy day.

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