Wednesday 29 March 2023

A Knock on the Door # Titannabell 14

The guards were trying their very best to be modest. They’d already seen the doorframe collapse and made the castle’s masoner aware, and they had a good debate about whether to attempt to reattach it themselves to give the princess some privacy or to quietly rest it against the wall. They decided that they were too modest to even sneak a peek through the door. But when a long, thin, silky leg stretched out and waved up and down at them, they decided to accept it as an invitation to at least ensure that their guest was OK. Once the leg was retracted, they politely knocked on the door lying in front of the remains of the doorframe in case they were interrupting a nightly ritual.

‘Don’t be shy’ said the giantess.  ‘Come help me’. The guards looked at each other, smiled, then scrambled through the door. What awaited them was a real sight…

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