Tuesday 7 March 2023

Face the Mace

Always with a charming, welcoming smile, she’ll probably charm the pants off you if even if bringing you something as simple as a tray of teas. She can read a room very easily. She’s probably got experience in that field. She’s  recognisable by her brown curly hair that’s probably been freshly permed, small and perfect Cheshire cat teeth and a button nose. Oval glasses will dominate her round, slightly tanned face, and she’ll probably be wearing a heavy weighted jumper over a pair of leggings and brown flat shoes. If she’s in a flirting mood, she’ll wear a branded polo shirt. She’s certainly someone who is well travelled and get around a lot, and you’ve got to wonder if she’s taking advantage of it somehow. She’s confident and direct, and she’s not afraid to tell you what she wants. She’s sassy and she knows her stuff. If she wants to chat to you, she will.

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