Saturday 11 March 2023

Life Lacking #Vampress 13

Then the town started to change. The clientele began to be less friendly. Shopkeepers would no longer make conversation but would bid people to leave their premises as soon as their business was complete without any small talk or linger to ask about their families. People just didn’t seem to care. Their faces were just white and disinterested. Everyone in the town had some kind of trade, and when they first noticed the strangeness, they decided that it was time to try another trader. They’d go out and hurry about their business as if it wasn’t safe anymore. Then, after a sleepless night, they’d wake with a rough neck and forgot about the whole thing. Even organising the town’s annual festival which pulled crowds from all over the country began to be a chore. Posters didn’t get put up until late and it was very hard asking for people to come forward to help set things up.

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