Saturday 18 March 2023

Jumping Jackets

There’s been many times that I’ve taken a jacket out with me when I haven’t needed to. It’s something that I’d have to lug around with me and it’s difficult to find somewhere safe to leave it in the knowledge that I can easily retrieve it when I want to. If I’m lucky, I might find a chair to drape it over but it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m guarding the seat. It might also be buried underneath other coats and I might have to jostle someone out of the seat to retrieve it later. This usually happens when my group decides to abandon the table and I’m the last person there as I’m socialising with other groups at the venue. The alternative is being caught short which makes me freezing and miserable and making a beeline for the nearest source of heat; whether it’s a fire, radiator or the warmth of other bodies who won’t be impressed if I’m damp as well.

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