Friday 31 March 2023


You can love them or you can hate them, though it might jeopardise the relationship that you have with them. They’re people that you share interests with but act independently of your family unit so you might not have authoritative control of their actions. You can only influence them and they will try to do the same to you. But the aim here is kindness and companionship rather than domination. They’re people that you can count on for assistance and kindness rather than for favours in turn for material gain; though sometimes they’ll try to appreciate it and try to return the favour in kind to keep things even. They’ll support you in your decisions  or advise against it, or distance themselves from you if there’s a conflict that they’d rather not get involved with. You can share experiences so that advantages can be made in future situations or avoid potential conflicts. You might do this while sharing resources to make an experience enjoyable whether it’s partaking in a meal out, a pint down the pub or host the visit yourself.

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