Sunday 19 March 2023

"Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. Trust your instincts. Good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don't hurt. They're not painful. That's just not someone you want to marry, but it's with the friends that you choose. It's with the people that you surround yourself with."

-Michelle Obama.

There’s people you know and recognise, and there’s people that you’d like to get to know. If you want to have fun, you need to surround yourself with fun people, or at least with people that have the same interests as you. And you need to make sure that you’re always bringing something which is to be valued by them. It shouldn’t feel awkward. But if people are going to criticise you, then there’s no reason as to why you should support them, unless it’s a fair point that you’ve overlooked. If there’s something off-putting about someone or they’re making you uncomfortable, then don’t be naïve to go through with it. It’s OK just to listen and say no, as long as you’re sounding grateful at the time. You can always ask questions at a later stage to find out more, or tell them what’s offending you when you’re ready.

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