Thursday 2 March 2023

Parking Problems

There’s so many problems with trying to park for free nowadays. It’s all handled through outside companies to take the bother off the venue who make thousands off offenders. Signs are posted everywhere stating terms and conditions, and sometimes it takes a while to decipher if you can park for free or not, when the free times are and whether there’s a time limit, or a condition that states that you must use the facilities that you’re parked at. You have to be prepared to show proof of when you’re parking too. You can almost guarantee that the time you choose not to bother with gathering evidence is the time that they’ll try to pin it on you with ridiculously high fines, which are convenient halved if you pay these on time and they hope you won’t go down the road of contesting the ticket. But if you have evidence that an offence wasn’t committed, don’t give them the satisfaction of your cash.

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